The SBTi seeks to provide a clearly defined pathway for companies and financial institutions to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to align with the goals of the Paris Agreement and help prevent the worst impacts of climate change. In the event that any investments cease to comply with the ESG requirements of the Benchmark Index, the Fund may continue to hold such investments until such time as the relevant securities cease to form part of the Benchmark Index and it is possible and practicable (in the Investment Manager’s view) to liquidate the position. In the event that any investments cease to comply with the ESG requirements of the Benchmark Index, the Fund may continue to hold such investments only until such time as the relevant securities cease to form part of the Benchmark Index and it is possible and practicable (in the Investment Manager’s view) to liquidate the position. The binding elements of the investment strategy are that the Fund will invest in a portfolio of equity securities that as far as possible and practicable consists of the component securities of the Benchmark Index and thereby comply with the ESG characteristics of its Benchmark Index. These environmental and social characteristics are incorporated through the selection of constituents in the Fund’s Benchmark Index at each index rebalance (as described below). Business Involvement metrics are designed only to identify companies where MSCI has conducted research and identified as having involvement in the covered activity.
This website and the information provided on this website should not be construed as an advertisement, an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities in the iShares products mentioned in this website, nor shall any such securities be offered or sold, in any country in which to do so is contrary to that country’s securities laws. This website indicates in which countries the iShares products are registered or authorised for public distribution and on which principal European stock exchanges the iShares products domiciled in Europe are also listed. The iShares funds domiciled in the US are registered and listed on stock exchanges in the USA only.
Engagement also allows the portfolio management team to provide feedback on company practices and disclosures. This website contains information intended only for financial xcritical overview intermediaries acting as agents on behalf of non-U.S. By accessing the website, you certify that you are a financial intermediary acting as an agent on behalf of a non-U.S.
The current default ESG data provider for these Baseline Screens is MSCI but investment teams can choose to use Sustainalytics or other custom data sources as required. BlackRock applies a comprehensive due diligence process to evaluate provider offerings with highly targeted methodology reviews and coverage assessments based on the sustainable investment strategy (and the environmental and social characteristics or sustainable investment objective) of the product. Our process entails both qualitative and quantitative analysis to assess the suitability of data products in line with regulatory standards as applicable. FTSE®’ is a trade mark jointly owned by the London Stock Exchange plc and the Financial Times Limited (the ‘FT’), ‘NAREIT®’ is a trade mark of the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (‘NAREIT’) and ‘EPRA®’ is a trade mark of the European Public Real Estate Association (‘EPRA’) and all are used by FTSE under licence. The FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Asia Dividend+ Index, FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Dividend+ Index, FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed Europe ex UK Dividend+ Index, FTSE EPRA/NAREIT UK Index and FTSE EPRA/NAREIT United States Dividend + Index are calculated by FTSE International Limited (‘FTSE’).
Monthly dividends in EUR
By accessing this website, you agree that you have read and accept these terms and conditions. Learn how iShares ETFs deliver choice and innovation for investors in the UK, in our 2023 Progress Report. We provide guidance with ETF comparisons, portfolio strategies, portfolio simulations and investment guides. For further SFDR related fund/sub-fund level disclosures, please refer to the fund/ sub-fund specific Investment Objective and Policy section(s) and benchmark information in the prospectus that is available on the website. At each index rebalance, the index provider applies the ESG selection criteria to its starting universe to exclude issuers that do not meet such ESG selection criteria. For more information about how metrics that are presented with sustainability indicators are calculated, please see the Fund’s annual report.
- In this context, “Over Collateralisation” means that the aggregate market value of collateral
taken will exceed the overall on-loan value. - Additionally, BlackRock, actively participates in any relevant provider consultations regarding proposed changes to methodologies as it pertains to third party data sets or index methodologies and submits comprehensive feedback and recommendations to data provider technical teams.
- The Fund seeks to invest in a portfolio of securities that as far as possible and practicable consists of the component securities of the Benchmark Index.
- Performance data is based on the net asset value (NAV) of the ETF which may not be the same as the market price of the ETF.
- The Benchmark Index targets a constituent count of 100, although more than 100 stocks can be included where all such stocks have a maximum clean energy exposure score.
- Get the flexibility you need to meet your personal investment goals, whatever they may be.
Business Involvement metrics are not indicative of a fund’s investment objective, and, unless otherwise stated in fund documentation and included within a fund’s investment objective, do not change a fund’s investment objective or constrain the fund’s investable universe. For more information regarding a fund’s investment strategy, please see the fund’s prospectus. After-tax returns are calculated using the historical highest individual federal marginal income tax rates and do not reflect the impact of state and local taxes.
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BlackRock’s internal processes are focused on delivering high-quality standardised and consistent data to be used by investment professionals and for transparency and reporting purposes. Data, including ESG data, received through our existing interfaces, is processed through a series of quality control and completeness checks which seeks to ensure that data is high-quality data before being made available for use downstream within BlackRock systems and applications, such as Aladdin. The Fund seeks to track the performance of the Benchmark Index which incorporates certain ESG criteria in the selection of constituents, according to its methodology. BlackRock monitors the Fund’s adherence to the environmental and social characteristics which the Fund seeks to promote. The environmental and/or social characteristics of the Fund are embedded into the Benchmark Index methodology and the Fund is monitored in a manner that seeks to identify exceptions to the Fund’s sustainable commitments being met as at each rebalance. To the extent that data becomes more readily available and more accurate over time, we expect that ITR metric methodologies will evolve and may result in different outputs.
All copyright and database rights within the index values and constituent list vest in FTSE, Euronext N.V., NAREIT and EPRA. BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited has obtained full licence from FTSE to use such copyright and database rights in the creation of these products. ‘FTSE®’ is a trade mark jointly owned by the London Stock Exchange plc and the Financial Times Limited (the ‘FT’) and is used by FTSE International Limited (‘FTSE’) under licence.
Notes & Data Providers
BlackRock seeks to understand the use of estimated data in index methodologies and ensure that their approaches are robust and in line with applicable regulatory requirements and index methodologies. Such investments may only be used for the purpose of efficient portfolio management, except for derivatives used for currency hedging for any currency hedged share class. In the event that any investments cease to comply, the Fund may continue to hold such investments only until such time as the relevant securities cease to form part of the Benchmark Index and it is possible and practicable (in the Investment Manager’s view) to liquidate the position. The investment policy of the Fund is to invest in a portfolio of equity securities that as far as possible and practicable consists of the component securities of the Benchmark Index and thereby comply with the ESG characteristics of its Benchmark Index. The index methodology of its Benchmark Index is described above see ‘Section C – Environmental or social characteristics of the financial product.’ The Fund seeks to replicate the constituents of the Benchmark Index by holding all of the securities comprising the Benchmark Index in a similar proportion to their weightings in the Benchmark Index where possible and practicable.
BlackRock continues to work with a broad range of market participants to improve data quality. Companies determined to have any tie to controversial weapons (taking into account indicators concerning ties to controversial weapons) shall not qualify as Sustainable Investments. BlackRock monitors Fund and index-level data to track the Fund’s adherence to these characteristics legacyfx forex broker review as at each rebalance. Companies categorised in accordance with the index methodology as having a «maximum», «significant» or «moderate» clean energy exposure scores may be included in the Benchmark Index. The Benchmark Index targets a constituent count of 100, although more than 100 stocks can be included where all such stocks have a maximum clean energy exposure score.
BlackRock undertakes thorough due diligence on index provider sustainable investment methodologies to ensure that they align with BlackRock’s views on Sustainable Investments. Fixed income securities
• Where a fund invests in a use-of-proceeds bond, such use-of-proceed bond will be a Sustainable Investment where the use of proceeds substantially contributes to an Environmental and/or Social Objective as determined by fundamental assessment. Business activity
• Where 20% or more of its revenue attributable to products and/or services is systematically mapped as contributing to Environmental and/or Social Objectives using third-party vendor data.
The Investment Manager does not perform direct engagement with the companies / issuers within the index but does engage directly with the index and data providers to ensure better analytics and stability in ESG metrics. ESG datasets are sourced from external third-party data providers and index providers, including but oanda forex broker review not limited to MSCI, Sustainalytics, Refinitiv, S&P and Clarity AI. These datasets may include headline ESG scores, carbon emissions data, business involvement metrics or controversies and have been incorporated into Aladdin tools that are available to Portfolio Managers and employed in BlackRock investment strategies.
In respect of the products mentioned this document is intended for information purposes only and does not constitute investment advice or an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the securities described within. This document may not be distributed without authorisation from BlackRock Advisors (UK) Limited. Screening of a Benchmark Index against its ESG criteria is generally carried out by an index provider only at index rebalances. Companies which have previously met the screening criteria of a Benchmark Index and have therefore been included in the Benchmark Index and the Fund, may unexpectedly or suddenly be impacted by an event of serious controversy which negatively impacts their price and, hence, the performance of the Fund. Where these companies are existing constituents of the Benchmark Index, they will remain in the Benchmark Index and therefore continue to be held by the Fund until the next scheduled rebalancing (or periodic review) when the relevant company ceases to form part of the Benchmark Index and it is possible and practicable (in the Investment Manager’s view) to liquidate the position.
Person” under Rule 902(k) of the 1933 Act or other person or entity as the directors of the iShares Products (or their umbrella companies or managers) may determine. Securities of the iShares products domiciled in Ireland, Germany Switzerland and Luxembourg may not, except pursuant to a relevant exemption, be acquired or owned by, or acquired with the assets of an ERISA Plan. An “ERISA Plan” is defined as (i) any retirement plan subject to Title I of the United States Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA); or, (ii) any individual retirement account or plan subject to Section 4975 of the United States Internal Revenue code of 1986, as amended.
BlackRock has therefore established a framework to identify sustainable investments, taking into account the regulatory requirements and index provider methodologies. A fund’s Sustainable Investments may have any or all of the above Environmental and/or Social Objectives depending on the investment strategy of the fund. In identifying which underlying holdings are Sustainable Investments, BlackRock may have regard to the index provider’s assessment of sustainable investments, or any other exclusionary criteria incorporated within the fund’s benchmark index methodology. While the Fund does not have as its objective a sustainable investment, it will have a minimum proportion of sustainable investments. BlackRock defines sustainable investments as investments in issuers or securities that contribute to an environmental or social objective, do not significantly harm any of those objectives and where investee companies follow good governance practices. By investing in a portfolio of securities that, as far as possible and practicable, consists of the component securities of the Fund’s Benchmark Index, a proportion of the Fund’s investments will qualify as sustainable investments.
Actual after-tax returns depend on the investor’s tax situation and may differ from those shown. The after-tax returns shown are not relevant to investors who hold their fund shares through tax-deferred arrangements such as 401(k) plans or individual retirement accounts. The Nikkei Stock Average is a copyrighted material, calculated by Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. which is the sole exclusive owner of the copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Nikkei Stock Average itself and the methodology to calculate the Nikkei Stock Average. Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. (Licensor) granted a license to the licensee to use the Nikkei Stock Average as a basis for the iShares Nikkei 225® (DE) ETF. The Licensor does not sponsor, support, sell or market the ETF and has – besides granting the license to the licensee – no connection with the ETF.
The content of this website is general in nature and is meant to inform investors, potential investors and their professional intermediaries of the existence of, and potential benefits of investing in, iShares products. However, this website is not intended to provide specific investment advice including, without limitation, investment, financial, legal, accounting or tax advice, or to make any recommendations (personal recommendations or otherwise) about the suitability of iShares products for the circumstances of any particular investor. If you do require investment advice, please contact an independent broker or financial adviser. You should take appropriate advice as to any securities, taxation or other legislation affecting you personally prior to investing. Tax levels, the tax status of the iShares products, the taxation of investors and any tax reliefs may change from time to time.